This is part of a larger tutorial created and presented as "Walkthrough of GeoConcerns".

Create a vector work

  1. What’s a vector work?
  2. Create the vector work
  3. Attach a shapefile
  4. Attach an external metadata file
  5. Build a Geoblacklight Solr document

What’s a vector work?

A vector work represents a geospatial vector dataset. Points, lines, polygons. Common formats include the shapefile and GeoJSON. In this case, the vector work represents the output of a feature extraction process that was run on the parent raster work.

Create the vector work

  1. On the show page of your Raster Work, create a child Vector Work.
  2. Click Attach Child and select Attach Vector Work
  3. On the new vector work form add a basic Title* field.
  4. Click Create Vector Work.

Attach a shapefile

  1. Attach a vector file to the work using the same process as the other works.
  2. This time the Type should be ESRI Shapefile.
  3. The file can be found at McKay / Geospatial_Data /


  4. The shapefile is now attached to the vector work.


    In GeoConcerns, file formats that are composed of multiple files (as in the Shapefile) must be zipped into a single file before uploading.

Attach an external metadata file

  1. Now, attach an FGDC external metadata to the work.
  2. The file can be found at McKay / Geospatial_Data / S_566_1914_lines_fgdc.xml


  3. Once the file is attached, use it to populate the vector work attributes like you did with the raster work.


Build a Geoblacklight Solr document

GeoConcerns has the ability to generate documents for use in external discovery systems like Geoblacklight.

  1. In the address bar for the vector work, append /geoblacklight to the end of the URL.


  2. The application will build a JSON formatted document that can be indexed into a Geoblacklight Solr instance.
