This is part of a larger tutorial created and presented as "Walkthrough of GeoConcerns".

Starting the application

  1. Vagrant instructions (skip if the VM was started in part 3)
  2. Start Solr, Fedora, and Rails
  3. Create a new user

If you have just completed parts 1 and 2, you can skip to Create a New User.

Vagrant instructions

  1. If another vagrant box is running, it needs to be stopped first.

    $ vagrant halt
  2. Navigate to the geo-concerns vagrant directory and start the machine.

    $ cd ../geo-concerns-demo
    $ vagrant up
  3. Navigate to the geo-concerns vagrant directory and start the machine.

    $ cd ../geo-concerns-demo
    $ vagrant up
  4. SSH into the VM

    Mac and Linux

    $ vagrant ssh


    Use PuTTY

Start the demo application

After logging into the server and navigating to the geo concerns demo directory, you will need to start the application.

$ sudo -i
$ cd /home/vagrant/demos/geo-concerns-demo
$ rails s -b

You can now navigate to the web pages for each of the services we just started. It might be useful to open a new browser tab for each service.

Create a new user

Since this is a brand new application, we have to create a user in order to continue.

  1. Open the demo app link in a browser tab.
  2. Click on Log in in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Click on the Sign up link direcly below the Log in button.
  4. Add an email address (can be fake) and a password. 123456 works fine.


  5. Click on the Sign up button and you’re in!